Pick-up Dogs How Two Rescue Dogs Save the West from Being Won

Pick-up Dogs
Posts Tagged ‘poetry’
The Meaning of Life: The Poems of Nanao Sakaki
The Meaning of Life: The Poems of Nanao Sakaki

If you have time to chatter Read books If you have time to read Walk into mountain, desert and ocean If you have time to walk sing songs and dance If you have time to dance Sit quietly, you Happy Lucky Idiot  Nanao Sakaki, Kyoto 1966

Murakami’s cats, Bolaño’s dogs, translation, and the next big thing

A while ago I became obsessed with a writer from Chile, who lived for a time in Mexico, and spent his last years in Spain: Robert Bolaño. I discovered him while living in Barcelona, and it turned out that the small village that he was living in, Blanes, was just a few miles north on […]

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