Pick-up Dogs How Two Rescue Dogs Save the West from Being Won

Pick-up Dogs
Adopt a Rescue Dog

MontanaTen years ago today, I brought Lupe home from the Lawrence Humane Society shelter. Lu has been the best friend I’ve ever had and without question the most original character I’ve come across in my near 40 years of existence.

North Cascades

Lu in the North Cascades


Since day one, Lu has been a challenge. She’s kept me on my toes, made glaringly clear where my weaknesses are, and has tested my patience in ways I didn’t know possible. Few in this world know her well because she’s hard to get to know. Which is her greatest personality attribute.

100% genuine, Lu is as honest as they come and has never tolerated people/things that don’t fit in her world, which is driven by one thing: Adventure!

What Lu is is real. Some of the times in my life that I have felt most alive include: Trying to sneak into the Petrified Forest/Painted Desert before sunrise and watching Lu streak across the kaleidoscope purple orange desert sands. Or running up through the Black Elk Wilderness in South Dakota. Or catching her in a cave-like rock outcropping on Castle Rock near the Gallatin River in Montana.

Painted Desert

Lu in the Painted Desert, Arizona

Lu has lived many lives in one. We saw her die once. While walking in the Kettle River range, we were quite certain a grizzly took her. The ground shook. Trees snapped. We quickly retreated down the mountain, thinking, no…knowing, that she was dead. An hour later she showed up with the biggest grin on her face sprinting down the mountain with a gleeful pride that says everything you need to know about her: Lu is happiest when we are Out. Doing. Real. Things.

Lu taught me how to live and to love. And that’s the greatest tribute I can offer her.

Olympic Peninsula

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